Natural Light Photography for Newborn

Natural Light Photography for Newborn

The baby is finally here and everyone wants photos! But every time you try to take a picture, your beautiful child looks like an old and wrinkled person, and not the graceful creature that you see in front of you.

Tips for capturing your newborn for best results

  • First things first – turn off the flash! Use window light to get the best natural soft light to show your child. Find a window that has a lot of good light, not direct sunlight, but good indirect sunlight.
  • Remove obstruction from the bottom of your shot by placing the child in a pram with a solid colored blanket covering it or on a bed with white sheets.
  • Remove baby clothes from diapers. Smaller clothes are better for newborn photographers to really show the baby, since at this age they usually do not sit well and clothes are more distracting. If the diapers have cartoons, try to cover the patterns by folding the diaper or putting on cloth in this area, or take the opportunity and remove this diaper! Work fast at this point if you choose this route.
  • When the camera is ready, make sure that the face and body of the child are directed towards the light from the window, start taking pictures from different angles. Try to fill the frame with a baby and a blanket or sheet, avoiding clutter or additional items that may fall to your bottom. Do not try to make the child smile; just take a series of shots from different points of view: some children look at the camera, and some of the child’s profiles, some from the top of their heads, etc. Continue to work, you can get more details when you visit website.
  • Now is the time to develop images on a computer or in a laboratory, develop your images, and then sit down and analyze them, looking with an artistic eye to choose those that capture the child you see, and this time in your life.
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